Covenant- The Agreement

Hello 🙂 How are you doing? Do you feel confused or worried by what is going on? I am really looking forward to a time when we can be together in person again!!! Today I want to tell you a story about God, who also wanted to be with people,...

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In the Desert

Hello 👋 Finally, another video! 😊 Water and food are things that we need to live. God gave water and food to the people of Israel in the desert. 🏜 But sadly they still did not follow him. He wanted to give them a life that was good. He wanted...

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Crossing the Red Sea

Hello 👋 This week tells us about God’s greatness again! He loves his people and protects them. He is with them and leads them. What a wonderful God! 🙌 ❓❓ Have you seen this in your life? Has God protected you or helped you make decisions? Maybe you lost something...

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